How to Boost Your Brain’s Learning Capacity

How to Boost Your Brain's Learning Capacity

Your brains play a significant role in what makes you ‘you,’ and keeping your brain in tip top condition can offer you a leg up on success, especially during your studies. When you are writing a difficult and lengthy task, you have not enough energy or mind to proofread your work efficiently. At this situation, mostly students getting help from Proofreading Services. However, you’ll need to take some rest and then proofread your work with a fresh mind to boost your brain (professionalessayservice, 2019).

If you want to enhance your brain capacity in time for the first semester of the upcoming university year, keep reading to learn about seven simple strategies to refresh and re-energize your mind…

7 Ways to Boost Your Brain’s Learning Capacity

According to research, there are numerous strategies to improve your mental sharpness and keep your brain healthy at any age. Some brain exercises can help improve your memory, concentration, and focus, making daily chores faster and easier to complete and keeping your brain fresh as you age.

  1. Fit in some exercise a few times a week

Exercise not only improves your fitness levels, but it may also help with the growth of a healthier brain. Running, cycling, swimming, or any other sort of exercise can help to increase the connections between brain cells. Your learning and memory skills should improve as a result, and you should be able to absorb more information from your lectures and library books.

It is recommended that you exercise for at least 30 minutes five times each week, but if you are new to exercising, start with a couple of times per week and gradually increase. Otherwise, you risk becoming bored with the new routine before it becomes a habit.

You’re all aware that you should be exercising on a regular basis. Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs lead hectic lives and don’t always have time to engage in physical activity. The solution may be to think of it in reverse: if you want to live a long, healthy, and productive life, you can’t afford not to exercise.

  1. Get creative

Coloring in, as bizarre as it may sound, has been shown to have the same effects on the brain as meditation – and if you search online, you’ll discover a plethora of colouring books for adults to suit every taste! If you like to cook, experiment with new ingredients and recipes. If you like being outside, challenge yourself to master a new sport. Every time spent being creative and attempting new things can have a significant impact on your brain’s overall functioning.

Also, you can find freelancing websites to engage your mind with some other creative activities and become more productive (Kim, 2018).

  1. Stock up on your vitamins and micronutrients

Some vitamins and nutrients can improve brain power in a variety of ways. While zinc and iodine can help with normal brain cognition, vitamins B6, B12, and folate can help to prevent fatigue, which is a major cause of study procrastination. Omega-3 fatty acids and one of its key fatty acids, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), can help the brain operate properly, which is important for learning, making them significant nutrients to include in your daily diet.

You can increase your brain capacity by consuming the following foods rich in vitamins and micronutrients:

  • Zinc – meat, fish, legumes, mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, garlic, nuts and seeds, cereals and dairy
  • Iodine – cod, seaweed, turkey, yoghurt, tuna, eggs, strawberries
  • Vitamin B6 – pork, chicken, turkey, fish, bread, eggs, vegetables, peanuts, milk and cereals
  • Vitamin B12 – meat, fish, dairy and cereals
  • Omega-3 – fish, nuts, seeds and egg yolks

While combining all of these vitamins into your regular diet may seem overwhelming, there are numerous nutritional supplements that can help you. The effects of including these vitamins and minerals can take several weeks to manifest, so try to begin adding them in as soon as possible.

  1. Socialize

It goes without saying that socializing is an important aspect of your academic experience, but did you know it can also help your brain operate better? According to research, conversing with someone for as little as 10 minutes per day can help keep your brain optimized, resulting in improved memory and cognitive performance.

  1. Allow yourself to power nap

Getting enough sleep at night, as well as a 30-minute power nap during the day, allows your body to repair and regenerate for another day of learning and studying.

  1. Break out of your daily routine

According to research, modifying your daily routine, even in the smallest way, can help energise your brain and boost your productivity and effectiveness when studying. Take an alternative route to and from university, go shopping somewhere fresh, or even put yourself to the test by closing your eyes when opening the door. Attempt to be surprised at least once a day.

  1. Try something new

New experiences allow your brain to continue to evolve while also making it easier to absorb and store information. Consider taking up a new sport, learning a new language, or learning to play an instrument. Check out an exhibition at a nearby museum or art gallery, volunteer, or, if you have the time, travel to a different location for a day/weekend/week.

Key points

Every brain changes with age, and so does mental performance. Mental deterioration is widespread, and it is one of the most dreaded side effects of aging. But cognitive impairment is not unavoidable. These are 7 tips to help you improve brain function.

No matter your age, focusing on your brain health is one of the best things you can do to increase your concentration, focus, memory, and mental agility.

By incorporating brain workouts into your daily life, you will be challenging your mind, sharpening your cognitive skills, and potentially learning something new and enriching along the way.


Kim, J., 2018. Same bed, different dreams: The mismatched expectations about proofreading in the writing center. International Journal of Research7(4), pp.89-103.

PES, 2019. 7 Tips To Help You Proofread Your Essay Like A Pro. Online available at [Accessed date: 1-Aug-19]

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